Spring connect groups

Our Spring Connect Groups vary from diving right into the Bible, others utilize video teachings, and some are community and/or event based groups. A Connect Group is the place to start looking for your community. View the groups below and join one HERE.

study groups

  • Community bible study

    Community is one of the greatest tools for growth in the life of a believer. Our group gathers weekly to share our lives with one another, to grow together in our friendships and our relationships with God through Bible study, prayer, fellowship, group activities, and service opportunities. We are studying the book of Revelation, the End Times taught by Jeff and Wendy Snyder and facilitated by Judson and Debbie Kadow. 

    MEETS: Fridays at 7PM

    LOCATION: Bel Air

    LEADERS: Judson and Debbie Kadow

    CONTACT: Debbie, dskadow@gmail.com

  • faithlink

    Take a journey of encountering Jesus through the eyes of those who met Him in the Bible. Together, you’ll see the amazing transformations that occur just from His presence in Bible character’s lives. Understand just how incredible it is to have an encounter with the Savior and learn how to live out their own life change now that they know Him.

    MEETS:  Sundays, 9:30AM

    LOCATION:  Grace, Room 18

    LEADER:  Marilyn McEvoy

    CONTACT:  mmcevoy71@comcast.net

    FACEBOOK GROUP: FaithLink Connect Group

  • Monday sisterhood study

    The lineage of Jesus is full of surprising, imperfect people, but perhaps none more than the five women memorialized in Matthew 1. These women have hard, complicated stories. And every one of these women is just like us: resoundingly ordinary, tainted by sin, and yet unexpectedly used to change the world when they found their place in God’s story. In this Get Wisdom Bible study, you are invited into the raw, empowering, astonishing stories of these five women: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, Mary. Book: $14

    MEETS: Mondays beginning 2/26 7PM

    LOCATION: Grace Cafe

    LEADERS: Julie Smith and Kaylee Parkes

    CONTACT: Julie: grantjuliesmith@gmail.com, Kaylee: kparkes17@outlook.com

  • Tuesday Sisterhood Study

    What is the deep cry of your heart? The ache in your soul just waiting to be fulfilled? The prayer you keep repeating without end? Jesus not only cares about this deep, spiritual wrestling, but He also wants to step in and see you through it. Join author Lysa TerKeurst on the streets of Israel to explore the I AM statements of Jesus found in the Gospel of John, ultimately trading feelings of emptiness and depletion for the fullness of knowing who Jesus is in this 6 session Bible study. Study Guide Book: $22

    MEETS: Tuesdays beginning 2/27-4/2 6:30-8:30PM

    LOCATION: Grace Cafe

    LEADERS: Isabel Cunningham and Amber Hackett

    CONTACT: Isabel: isabelcunningham871@gmail.com, Amber: amber@graceofbelair.com

  • Wednesday sisterhood study

    Learn how to raise kids who think critically, love biblically, and stand firm against the cultural tide. Using Mama Bear Apologetics by Hillary Ferrer, learn to teach your kids how to form their own biblical beliefs about what is true and what is false through transparent life stories and clear, practical applications—including prayer strategies. For Moms with kids ages 0-18yrs, Book: $12


    MEETS: Wednesdays bi-weekly beginning 2/28-5/8, 5:30-6:30PM, childcare available, Pizza dinner option for $3 per person

    LOCATION: Grace Conference Room

    LEADERS: Brittany Tomlinson and Trish Satterfield

    CONTACT: Brittany: brittanytomlinson913@gmail.com, Trish: trishl972@gmail.com

Ministry groups

  • Prayer

    Join us each Wednesday night for prayer starting at 7PM where we worship the Lord together, have a teaching through one of the books of the Bible, pray over specific needs of the church, and operate in the giftings of the Holy Spirit. The first Wednesday of each month we will have a combined United service with Grace en Espanol. And the last Wednesday of each month we will have a guest missionary sharing about their ministry.

    MEETS: Wednesdays, 7PM

    LOCATION: Main Auditorium

    LEADER: Pastor Bobby Hackett

  • Foster the Family Harford County Support Group

    We partner with Foster the Family to mobilize and equip the church to support foster families in Harford County. All throughout Scripture we find the call to care for orphaned and vulnerable children. The orphan, the fatherless, the vulnerable are close to God’s heart, and caring for them is a function of being a follower of Christ. You can support local foster families by helping with childcare at support group and respite nights, making freezer meals, writing encouraging notes, donating snacks for support group, organizing the blessing closet, and delivering care packages.

    MEETS: Support Group is the third Sunday of Each Month, 6PM-7:30PM

    LOCATION: Grace

    LEADER: Laura Lathroum

    CONTACT: laj711@hotmail.com

  • Missionary Care

    We meet for the purpose of strengthening the partnership between our church and the 60+ missionaries Grace Assembly supports. Our role is to partner with their work on the field to better empower them and their ministry as they work to build His kingdom. We are committed to prayer and communication for our missionaries. Have an active role in spreading the Gospel to the furthest corners of the world, join Missionary Care.

    MEETS: online through shared prayer requests

    LEADER:  Phil Drost

    CONTACT:  phil@buildersintl.org

  • the gathering young adults

    All young adults are invited to find their community and purpose at Grace Young Adults ministry. We meet Friday nights for Community Nights and Encounter Nights. At the Community Nights we gather for the purpose of building relationships through game nights and hanging out. At Encounter Nights we come together to encounter the presence and the love of God through worship, God’s Word, and teaching.

    MEETS: Fridays 7PM

    LOCATION: Grace Room 17

    LEADER: Pastor Joe Mora

    CONTACT: Joe@graceofbelair.com

    INSTAGRAM: @thegatheringatgrace

  • Meals for the homeless

    Every 9th day of the month our team serves dinner at Welcome One Homeless Shelter. The dinners are 100% based on food donations from the group members. If you have the gift of hospitality, generosity, or a heart to serve others we would love to have you on our team. You can help by donating food items,  joining one of our rotating kitchen teams by preparing and serving the meal, or by inquiring about leading the group and coordinating the meals (see below).

    MEETS: Dinner is every 9th day of the month at 4pm. Food donations can be dropped off in the church kitchen by the 7th of each month.

    LOCATION: Welcome One Homeless Shelter, 1221 Brass Mill Road, Suite C Belcamp, MD

    LEADER: Amber Hackett (interim)

    CONTACT: amber@graceofbelair.com

  • Fabulous Food and Fun Team

    Community is often found gathered around a table while breaking bread. It’s take a team to prepare and set the table for God moments to happen. Our group arranges and serves refreshments for special events on Sundays and on Wednesdays during English & Espanol fellowship. You can help by bringing refreshments on our monthly English/Espanol fellowship nights, and helping with set up and food prep for special events. And we have fun while doing it!

    MEETS: Special Events on Sundays and Wednesdays

    LOCATION: Grace

    LEADER: Cindy Garcia Ortiz

    CONTACT: garciaortiz828@gmail.com

  • skillful hands

    Our ministry consists of skilled workers and helpers with a heart to improve and maintain the appearance and physical quality of God’s House. We are purposed to provide a quality worship setting by keeping Grace campuses in tip top shape and appearance. Using team member's electrical, painting, plumbing, tech, landscaping and carpentry skills, we will beautify and improve Grace facilities and grounds. View the project list and sign up for the one that matches your skills and experience.

    WHEN: Project Based, Each team member commits to a minimum of 4-12 hours of work per year.

    LOCATION: Both Campuses

    LEADER: Amber Hackett

    CONTACT: amber@graceofbelair.com

community groups

  • The golden age

    Come join us for a meal and fellowship following 2nd service to get to know other mature adults. For ages 55+. 

    Additionally, group members also have the option of participating in the groups care ministry and making hospital visits to church members.  

    MEETS: Monthly, 2/25, 4/21, 5/19


    LEADERS: Frank and Marvy Padilla Pietrowicz

    CONTACT: marvy.padilla@gmail.com

  • Prayer Walking

    All ages are welcome to join us in walking through and praying for our neighborhoods. We are praying for those living in the area to have a hunger and desire to know God. “Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭9‬:‭35‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    MEETS: First and Third Saturday mornings beginning mid-March

    LOCATION: Harford County Neighborhoods

    LEADER: Sue Lidke

  • Create & Praise

    Do you draw, paint, scrapbook, knit, crochet, or enjoy another creative outlet? Discover a new passion or enhance an existing skill while enjoying worship music with friends.  Bring your own art or craft supplies for the project you plan to work on.

    MEETS: Monthly, 2/23, 3/22, 4/26

    LOCATION: Grace Main Lobby

    LEADERS: Juli Luckett & Lanae Cherry

    CONTACT: Juli: Juli@graceofbelair.com, Lanae: lmarcellm19@gmail.com

  • Men's Softball

    We are fielding a men’s softball team for the upcoming spring and summer season in the Susquehanna Baptist Association’s Softball League. This league will provide athletes with an opportunity to compete, build community, and introduce others to the life changing message of Jesus.  An info sheet with league and team details will be available upon request. For men ages 16 and older. League and Umpire Fee: Depending on the number of players, approx. $50 per person. Plus, $20 for new player jersey.

    MEETS: Tuesdays 6PM, March-Mid July
    LOCATION: Grace Softball Field
    LEADERS: Thaddeus Tomlinson, Grant Smith, Robert Padilla
    CONTACT: thaddeus@traceyproperties.com

Espanol Groups

  • Curso para Parejas

    Este Grupo está dedicado para que los matrimonios puedan crecer juntos con la guía y gracia de Dios! Creemos que matrimonios fuertes hacen familias fuertes, y familias fuertes hacen una iglesia fuerte! Te invitamos a usted y su pareja a venir y ser parte de esta comunidad de parejas creciendo para la Gloria de Dios!

    MEETS: once a month

    LOCATION: Campus de Henderson Road

    LEADERS: Gary and Nora Smith

    CONTACT: josh@graceofbelair.com

  • CUARTO DE ORACIÓN (The Table Prayer Room)

    La Mesa es un espacio dedicado para la oración y alabanza con nuestro enfoque siendo ministrar al Señor. Te invitamos a venir y ser para de un tiempo de descansar en la presencia de Dios, buscarlo a Él y estar en comunión con Cristo. Creemos que hay mucho poder en la oración y de venir juntos para alabar y ministrar al Señor.

    TIEMPO:  Lunes, 7-9AM

    LUGAR: Campus de Henderson Road

    LIDERES:  Pastor Joshua and Skylar Smith

    CONTACTO: josh@graceofbelair.com

    The Table is a space dedicated to prayer and worship to focus our time to minister to the Lord. We invite you to come and join us for a time to rest in God’s presence, seek Him and be in communion with Christ.. We believe there is so much power in prayer and coming together to worship and minister to the heart of God. (Bilingual)

    MEETS: Mondays, 7-9AM

    LOCATION: Henderson Road Campus

    LEADERS: Pastor Josh and Skylar Smith

    CONTACT: josh@graceofbelair.com

  • Grupo de Evangelismo

    Dios nos llama a compartir el amor de Dios a todo el mundo alrededor de nosotros. Este grupo esta dedicado a entrenar y equipar a la iglesia a compartir el evangelio con nuestra comunidad. Creemos que Dios va a obrar en maneras poderosas cuando salimos por fe a compartir el amor de Dios.

    TIEMPO:  Mensual, sábados-10AM-12PM

    LUGAR: encontrarse en Henderson Rd Campus

    LIDERES:  David and Cesia Harden

    CONTACTO: david_harden@outlook.com


    Te invitamos para venir a nuestro estudio bíblico donde juntos aprendemos de la palabra de Dios, alabamos al Señor y disfrutamos de un tiempo en comunidad juntos! 


    DONDE: Grace en el Cuarto 18, Miércoles 7PM

    LÍDER: Pastor Josh Smith

    CONTACTO: Josh@graceofbelair.com   

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Interested in Leading or hosting a Group?

You can make a huge difference in the lives of people by leading a Connect Group. Thank you for your interest in building community at Grace! Please fill out the interest form here to get started!