We partner with Foster the Family to mobilize and equip the church to support foster families in Harford County. All throughout Scripture we find the call to care for orphaned and vulnerable children. The orphan, the fatherless, the vulnerable are close to God’s heart, and caring for them is a function of being a follower of Christ. You can support local foster families by helping with childcare at support group and respite nights, making freezer meals, writing encouraging notes, donating snacks for support group, organizing the blessing closet, and delivering care packages.
MEETS: Support Group -third Sunday of Each Month, 6-7:30 PM, Respite Nights-6-7:30 PM, 2/15, 3/22
LEADER: Laura Lathroum and Nicole Blanchard
Every 9th day of the month our team serves dinner at Welcome One Homeless Shelter. The dinners are 100% based on food donations from the group members. If you have the gift of hospitality, generosity, or a heart to serve others we would love to have you on our team. You can help by preparing and serving the dinner on-site, donating food items, or by inquiring about leading the group and coordinating the meals.
MEETS: Dinner is every 9th day of the month at 4 pm. Food donations can be dropped off in the church kitchen by the 8th of each month.
LOCATION: Welcome One Homeless Shelter, 1221 Brass Mill Road, Suite C Belcamp, MD
LEADER: Jessica Hamilton
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